Rob Nelson Event

MAWT is pleased to present Rob Nelson as our 2019 special demonstrator.

Rob will be with us on Saturday and Sunday, November 2 and 3. For Saturday, Rob will demo wood turning with an emphasis on hollowing, showing different hollowing methods. The hands-on workshop on Sunday gives you an opportunity to try different methods under Rob’s guidance and instruction. The  on hands-on is limited to the first 10 registrants. Both days will begin at 9:00 AM and end around 4:00 PM.



Saturday Demonstration:$35 (includes lunch)
Sunday Hands-on: $120 (includes lunch)
Monday Hands-on: $120 (includes lunch)


Club room (basement) of Woodcraft of Milwaukee, 14115 W Greenfield Ave, New Berlin, WI 53151


At a MAWT Meeting: Handing a check to Dave Drickhamer at a regular meeting will serve as your registration.


If you wish to pay online with a credit card, the buttons below can be used to pay for the event.  A fee is added to the amount to offset the credit card processing charge. Each button adds an event to a Paypal cart and you will need to check out.

You can add multiple items to the cart by returning to this page (the Paypal cart should open in another browser tab). Using Paypal to pay for an event will register you for that event.

Saturday Demo

Sunday Hands-on (Skew Training)

Monday Hands-on (Lidded Box)

If it is inconvenient to attend our regularly scheduled meeting, please use the form below to register. We need this information for an accurate count for lunch on the Saturday demo.

NOTE: The  Sunday Hands-On session is limited to 10 attendees – first come – first served.

Online registrations – please register each person individually.

    What to bring:

    Saturday – yourself and a notebook. Some people will bring their own lawn chair or camp chair as the club will provide standard folding chairs for seating.

    Sunday – bring a set of freshly sharpened tools.