Website and Social Media

(by Tony Rozendaal) Please read this. I have been working on some internet related things over the past few months.


I have started an Instagram account for Milwaukee Area Woodturners – if you are on Instagram, follow us at mawturners – I have selected various photos from the last year and posted them. I will select a few photos from the gallery photos each month and post them.

If you feel one of your pieces, or someone else’s piece was overlooked please feel free to submit a photo for posting.

There is a link to the Instagram account on the left side of the screen on any page of the MAWt website. Or if you are viewing the website on your phone, the link is at the very bottom of the screen.


I have been working on some ideas for the website for the past month or so. Some of these have resulted in small changes to the existing website as I continue to search for a look and feel that better serves our needs.

The changes are to make the site more mobile friendly for people seeking information about MAWt. Therefore, you may notice that some things are moved to the “top menu”. Some of the things that were at the top have disappeared into a sub menu.

Your feedback and comments on this process are very welcome. Please leave your comments as a reply to this post. These comments are moderated before they are made public, so if you prefer your comments to kept private, say so.

Answers to the questions below would be helpful:

  • Do you use the website? What do you use it for? How many times a month do you access it?
  • Have you ever looked for something on the website and couldn’t find it? What were you looking for?
  • Are you new to MAWT and was the website helpful in learning about our club?
  • What would you like to see included in the website that isn’t there now?

A final reminder – you can sign into the website to access some pages that are not available to the general public. In most instances your sign on is your first initial and your last name. If you have lost your password, use the lost password link to generate a new one and sign in.

Member Pages

If you sign into the website you can access an area called Member Profiles. In the past week I have been gleaning pictures of many of you and creating profile pages for you. Under your profile page I have added a gallery that displays pieces you have displayed in the gallery at the meetings.

This is an ongoing project:

  • If you do not see your profile and would like to have one added, let me know.
  • If you see your profile and would like your picture changed, let me know (you may need to provide the picture).
  • If you have displayed a piece and I did not include it in your gallery, let me know, or provide a picture of it. Or, if I included a piece in your gallery that is not yours, let me know.
  • If you would like to add personal information to your gallery (see Kevin Seigworth‘s as an example), let me know. I will send you a list of questions to answer.







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