Web Page Sign-on Improved

I have made a slight improvement to the web page sign in which should result in less confusion. Now, upon signing in to view the Members Only pages, you should see the homepage for the web site. Previously, a page was shown for editing your profile.

In MOST instances – your user name is your first initial plus your last name. EXAMPLE: John Smith would be JSmith. All users are set up. If you try to log in and are not successful, send an email to admin@mawturners.com .

If you know your user name, but don’t know your password, use the lost password function on the sign in page to reset your password. It works very well and uses your email address to send you a link that lets you to reset your own password.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to make the MAWT web page a valuable part of our communication with our club members. Suggestions are cheerfully accepted.







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