We need your help

As always at this time of the year, we are looking for individuals to serve on the board, and/or to volunteer for other positions on the club.

I (Tony Rozendaal) will be taking over as President for 2022. We need someone to take on the Vice President role, with the idea that person will take over as President role in 2023 or 2024. Please consider this. You do not need to be a highly skilled turner to fill these positions. You do need a sense of organization, and some leadership experience is helpful.

Currently in addition to taking on the role of president, I am serving as webmaster, and also prepare and send most of the emails from the club. In addition to those duties, I am lining up and scheduling the demonstrators for the club. If I joined a club and saw that one person was filling all those roles, I would have some doubts about that person, and think they were a control freak. I hope that I am not that sort of person. I crave your assistance in any or all of these areas. I am willing to work with you to help you move into any of these roles.

We could also use someone to fill the following roles as well:

  • We need at least one additional person on the Audio Visual team to provide some depth. At the moment, most of the repsonsibility is on Jerry Anson, with Tom Hipsak as his only backup
  • A person to take pictures of the instant gallery (show and tell) items at each meeting would be very helpful. Tom Hipsak has done this but with his AV duties does not always have the time. After the meeting, forward the pictures to the webmaster for inclusion in the newsletter and the web page.
  • Anyone can write articles (news postings) for the website. Send them to the webmaster (me 🙂 ) for posting on the web site. You can write about
    • something you have learned recently
    • a woodturning event that you have attended
    • a new tool that you purchased
    • whatever woodturning topic that comes to mind






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