Urban Wood Lab – New Turning Blank Supplier in Milwaukee Area

Member Leigh White contacted Ron Z. recently and wanted to let the club know that the Urban Wood Lab, usually known for their large wood slabs, is interested in providing wood blanks for woodturners.

As Leigh wrote:

“They’ve been interested in reaching out to the woodturning community but weren’t sure what we needed….They were very interested in doing this, and the more of us who reach out to them, the better.”
“….I think any of us who are interested should call first and see if they’d be able to slice off some blanks from their pile.”

Give them a call or drop over – this could be a good source for wood blanks.

The Urban Wood Labs
195 27th Street
Caledonia, WI
(10 minutes south of Mitchell Airport)
Wed-Fri: 9-5
Sat: 9-3

(Note: they are located where Kettle Moraine Hardwoods were previously located. This is the frontage road on the west side of I94, just south of the Milwaukee/Racine county line.)


P.S.: Let the club know if you got some wood. Feedback is always good to know.






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