October 2022 Newsletter

Hi Everyone;

We had a well-attended meeting on October 3. There were about 35 people present at Woodcraft and another 10 or so who attended through the Zoom meeting.

It’s difficult for me to critique the quality of the demonstration, but I had fun and there were some good comments and constructive feedback from the audience. I hope if nothing else some of you learned what not to do when turning a natural edge bowl.

If you missed the meeting, most of it is on the Demo Videos page.

Next month our meeting in on Monday November 7. Our plan is to have Rob Nelson demonstrate making one or more Christmas Ornaments.

Empty Bowls – Ron Zdroik reported that he had a total of about 80 bowls that he would be tuning in to the Empty Bowls organization. Thanks for everyone who participated in this effort.

Turn For TroopsNotice! – I gave the incorrect date about the announcement I made about the TFT event that is sponsored by Woodcraft. The correct date is November 5 & 6. Think about stopping by to turn a pen or two (or to lend a hand.







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