Newsletter for October 2019 Monthly Meeting

Hi fellow MAWT members,

Next time you have that scrap of punky wood and are ready to toss it into the garbage, consider stabilizing and casting. Curt VanWeelden explained the ins and outs of transforming a piece of wood destined for the fireplace into a spectacular finished bowl, globe, pen or other turning. I don’t know who else does this but it would be great to see other member’s experiments. Thank you Curt for a great demo!

Continued appreciation to members who are bringing in pens for Turn for Troops and lidded vessels for Beads of Courage. Dave Drickhamer mentioned that we now have well over 800 pens! Keep turning and dropping off your items at the meetings. Although there will no wood raffle or “show and tell” for the next two months (Rob Nelson demo and the December Christmas Party), you can still hand your pens to Dave and place the Beads of Courage bowls in the marked boxes located on one of the tables.

As mentioned above, we have Rob Nelson as a special demonstrator on November 2nd and 3rd focusing on hollow turning. There will be an all-day demo on Saturday and then a Hands-On class for Sunday (lunch included on both days). You can attend and pay on the day of the event or register online through our website – We can also use some volunteer help with clean-up and moving lathes – please help out if you can.

AN IMPORTANT NOTE!!! I have been requested by Woodcraft that anyone attending the November demo should park at the far end of the parking lot. Woodcraft has a store event that weekend and the other businesses in the mall get busy on the weekends. Considering that Woodcraft provides our meeting space for free, it the least we can do.

Finally, to celebrate a great year for the Milwaukee Area Woodturner club, all members are invited to our annual Christmas party on December 2nd. The club will provide sandwiches, coffee and soda while members bring a hot or cold dish to pass, desserts or snacks. As always, there is a Gift Exchange so bring a turned ornament or other small present in an unnamed gift package. This is a great time to just sit, eat, relax and talk shop with your fellow members.

Keep turning and stay safe,

Ron Zdroik




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