July President’s Letter
Hi fellow MAWT members,
We were finally able to host our first in-person meeting at Woodcraft for the July presentation. Tony Rozendaal demonstrated an ingenious lathe attachment that allows you to cut threads and also turn spheres. Working in the intellectual property field, I am always interested in great examples of mechanical creativity and this was one neat little gadget. Tony did an excellent demonstration cutting threads for his acorn vessels and also explained the sphere cutting feature. We were also able to have our first live Show and Tell in quite a while, as well as a wood raffle.
I would like to thank all MAWT members for their patience and participation as the club got up to speed with our video skills over the past year or so. A huge thank you to Jerry Anson who handled most of the heavy duty technical setup. The pandemic has been a rough road for everyone – for the whole world and also for small groups like our club. As conditions hopefully improve, we will continue with in-person meetings and Zoom broadcasts.
I am pleased to announce that the club still has a great membership base. Membership chair, George Wawrzyniak noted that we have 83 members. The July meeting had a good turnout with 30 members attending in person and another 15 or so watching by Zoom.
Remember that MAWT stays strong because members get involved and participate in demonstrations and our numerous community outreach programs. Get involved by doing a demo, turning bowls for Empty Bowl, a vessel for Beads of Courage and pens for Turn for Troops.
Enjoy the nice July weather…and if you get a chance, turn something!
Best regards,
Ron Zdroik
President, Milwaukee Area Woodturners
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