One of the services we provide as a club is to notify our membership when we are made aware of items for sale. In the past we have tried different approaches, such as having a “For Sale” page on the web site, and more recently, listing items for sale in posts such as this one.
In recent years, the more common approach has been to send an email out to our mailing list. In our opinion, this has a couple advantages. First, there is no need to maintain the For Sale listings to make sure they are current and that the item(s) is/are still available. Second, this method helps to protect the privacy of the seller, as their contact information is contained in an email and not on a web page.
Usually, emails that list items for sale are sent to the entire mailing list. The exceptions to this may be when the seller requests the email be sent only to current members, or in the case of free items. I recently limited the mailing to members only for some free items, as members should be the first to benefit from membership.
We will list items for sale from either members and non-members. We view this as a service to our membership and if a non-member has a great price on an item, or some special hard to find item, why not share it with our members?
If YOU want to list an item for sale, please include the following information:
- a description of the item
- how much you want for it
- where it is located
- a picture or two of the item
FYI, our mailing list is about twice as large as our membership. Anyone can sign up to be on the mailing list from our web site and those who have have left the club remain on the list until they remove themselves. We do vet the list periodically. The mailing list is handled by a service (MailChimp) who does a great job of filtering out any suspicious subscribers.
This post is NOT written in response to any issue which have arisen. It may serve to remind you of a service that you can take advantage of and help to explain why we do the things we do.
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