July 2022 Newsletter

Hi everyone – if you missed our July meeting you missed a good one! We had approximately 30 people in attendance with another 10 or so participating through Zoom. For those who attended, thank you for your patience while we got some technical issues ironed out with the Zoom meeting.

We had two special guests at the meeting. We have worked with Colleen Volland to coordinate our donations to the Empty Bowls of Milwaukee for many years. She was there and spoke for a few minutes. The Empty Bowls event is being taken over by a network of food pantries – the Frieden Network. The president of that network, Emily Runbeck was present as well and spoke about the future of the Empty Bowls event. From memory, the date for the event this year is October 9, and will be held in the downtown Milwaukee area. When they get the web page for the event completed we will pass that link along.

Steve Fosticz gave a great demo on making a small bowl. Steve has made a number of his own bowl gouges and demonstrated a great method for shaping, smoothing and then hollowing the bowl. Steve’s demonstration was especially good because he showed a method for reversing the bowl which can be used on any lathe with a live center in the tailstock. It does involve making a jamb chuck for the inside of the bowl, but the same jamb chuck can be used for multiple bowls.

Several Instant Gallery items were brought in by members as well. You can see those at the end of the video which is on the Demo Video page of the website.

Next month Jerry Anson will make a presentation on the large scale model of a hand drill made by the Woodworking Guild. We now have demos scheduled for each month through the remainder of the year. Go to the Upcoming Events page to see the schedule.

Turn on Chicago is at the end of this month. The 2022 symposium will be held from July 28-31 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Northbrook, Illinois.







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