January 2019 Meeting Review

We started out 2019 with a demonstration by fellow MAWT member Dave McBride turning a one-piece slimline pen from Corian. Dave shared many tips and hints of his pen turning expertise and well as presenting his great looking pens from wood and Corian.

New president Ron Zdroik spoke about the upcoming Woodworkers Show-Milwaukee held on February 22-24. This is a great opportunity to promote the club and share our experience and skills. Volunteers are needed to make this possible and we are hoping members will step up and volunteer some time and make this possible.

The club has in the past been involved in a few community-based activities. These include:
Turn for Troops  (coordinated by Dave Drickhamer) – last year the club helped turn 1,060 pens! Great job!
Carl Brust talked the pen project for the upcoming year.
Milwaukee Empty Bowls (coordinated by Tony Rozendaal) – we only had 19 bowls last year and we are hoping to greatly increase that for 2019!  Almost anyone, no matter their skill, can turn a bowl. Stay tuned for information and a demo for turning a bowl, quick and easy.
Bead of Courage – It would great if more club members made a Beads of Courage bowl for a cancer patient at Children’s Hospital, so we are planning on promoting this activity. More info soon.

Our wood raffle, hosted by Barb Nelson who did a great job loosening member’s wallets, was a wonderful success. There was lots of great wood as well as gift cards. Aside from membership dues, the raffle is our largest source of club income and helps pay for new turning tools, and also video equipment (notice those new large screens?) and library materials.

As always, our Show and Tell had a large selection of woodturnings including bowls and vases with carving, piercing and infill.

Finally, a thank you to the folks who handle all the things we sometimes take for granted – membership, library, finances, audio/video, photography and clean-up.

Until February – stay warm and keep turning!

Ron Zdroik

Tom Hipsak provided Photos of the Instant Gallery. A sample is provided below. For all the photos, go to the Photo Gallery Page.

2019 January Meeting Gallery







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