February 2019 Meeting Review

We had a good turnout for the February MAWT meeting, including some new members. They all saw Jerry Anson presenting a great video show and explaining his “alien” turning. There was a lot of work, time and expertise put into his project – from the initial CAD drawings and the multiple precision turnings to the artistic touches with texturing, painting and piercing. Great job Jerry!

The club is in the process of confirming a demonstration in November with Rob Nelson. He will be focusing on hollow turning. This will be a two day event with a club-wide Saturday demonstration and a Sunday Hands-on class. We are hoping to finalize everything soon and will update everyone when schedules are confirmed.

Try to attend the Milwaukee Woodworker’s Show on February 22, 23 and 24. MAWT will have a booth at the show, promoting the club, talking to the public and doing demos on the lathe. A big thank you to the almost 20 members who will be helping out!

Be sure to attend our next meeting on March 4th. With a focus on bowls, we will start with a special guest speaker for the Empty Bowl Project followed by the DUELING TURNERS – three members making lots of shavings as we turn quick and easy bowls, all at the same time. Sounds like a possible reality show in the making!

Also, remember to bring a nice wood blank for the monthly raffles. Aside from the membership dues, the raffle is the second largest source of income for the club.

Finally…the monthly challenges for the March Show and Tell is a turning from the above-noted wood raffle and/or, based on Jerry’s February demo, any type of turning whether terrestrial or extraterrestrial, organic or inorganic – basically, anything that is unusual or different – use your imagination!

Happy turning,

Ron Zdroik

A few of the photos from the meeting are shown below. Click here to see all the photos from the meeting.

2019 February Meeting






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