Call for Board Members and Volunteers

As we approach the end of the year we are beginning to think about the year 2023 and beyond. Clubs like the Milwaukee Area Woodturners simply cannot exist without members who step up to participate. A big Thank You!! to those who willingly sell tickets to the Wood Raffle or who help to clean up after the demonstrations. Another big Thank You!! to the audio-visual team for the work they do to make the demonstrations visible and hearable.

What we really need is people to volunteer to serve on the board. We have at least three board members whose terms expire at the end of 2022. It doesn’t take a lot of time to serve on the board. There is usually a meeting the Thursday evening before the monthly meeting which is held over Zoom and that lasts 30 minutes or so (this time can me adjusted if need be to fit the majority of the boards schedules). Additionally, there are emails sent that request input on items of current concern. The board is important, as it keeps one or two people from making decisions on behalf of the entire club.

You may think that you aren’t that good a wood turner. Your skill as a wood turner has very little to do with your ability to contribute to the management of MAWT.

Please consider volunteering to serve on the MAWT board. If you are interested, contact Tony Rozendaal, or simply reply to the email that contains the link to this post.






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