Bylaws Change

At the board meeting on 5 November 2018, the board voted unanimously to amend the 2016 bylaws to be in alignment with the way the club has operated for the last three years. This officially removes the requirement for an MAWT member to be a AAW member.

Note: This may have been done previously, but we can find no official record in the minutes nor can we find a revised set of Bylaws.

This will presented to the entire club for a YES/NO vote at the December 2018 meeting.

Section C of the bylaws will be changed as follows:

Section C currently is:

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in lathe turning without regard to race, creed, color, religion or national origin. “MAWt” membership is from January through December and is renewed annually. Membership in the “AAW” American Association of Wood Turners is required in order to join “MAWt”. “MAWt” member candidates are required to present evidence of “AAW” membership when joining. Acceptable evidence includes: copy of AAW membership card, or copy of the AAW magazine with members information, or copy of on-line “AAW membership payment form with members name included. Members are required to pay annual dues which shall be determined by the board and voted on by the MAWt members, unless the board makes individual exceptions.

Section C will be changed to be:

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in lathe turning without regard to race, creed, color, religion or national origin. “MAWt” membership is from January through December and is renewed annually. Members are required to pay annual dues which shall be determined by the board and voted on by the MAWt members, unless the board makes individual exceptions.






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