Tony Rozendaal still has a number of beads available that can be incorporated into Beads of Courage boxes.
At the meeting on June 5, he announced that the Beads of Courage Boxes are due at the November meeting. The club will make a arrangements with the national organization to deliver the bowls/boxes that are ready by that time.
The following information is taken from Beads of Courage Literature:
“Beads of Courage has had an increase in interest from generous wood artists kind enough to donate their bowls/
boxes. With our Beads of Courage program growing exponentially, there is an even greater need for wooden bowls
and boxes. Children and young adults are finding strength in a whole new way by receiving handcrafted, beautiful
bowls. The gift of having a safe place to keep hard-earned Beads of Courage can bring a sense of comfort to the
heart and is a beautiful way to honor the strength and courage of children battling serious illness.
Bead Bowls/Boxes Guidelines
Courage boxes should be easy for small or ill children to remove or lift. Any finials should be easy for a
small child to grasp and not too elaborate so they don’t break. Avoid excessively elaborate designs that
may easily break or be damaged, remember, hospital rooms have limited storage space.
Beads of Courage members may receive thousands of beads. It is desirable for your boxes to hold them all
As a result, turned or rectangular lidded boxes need to be large. Larger is better! Recommended interior
dimensions for turned boxes are: 6″ diameter (5″ minimum), 5″ height (4″ minimum). Recommended
interior dimensions for flatwork boxes are: 4″ X 6” X 4
Finishing of boxes is extremely important! Beads of Courage members who receive these boxes are
susceptible to germs/infections/mold. Bowls that have not been properly sealed can harbor mold. Please
take the time to ensure you are using a safe finishing process that does not contain toxic materials. Also do
not use finishes like linseed oil that take a long time to outgas.
All kinds of wood are beautiful! Please refrain from painting Beads of
Courage boxes. Instead, highlight the beauty of the wood with clear varnish
a stain, and/or burning.
Many woodworkers like to use the Beads of Courage® ceramic logo bead in their design (20 beads for
$25 with free shipping). If this is not possible, you can find a way to engrave, burn or letter “Beads of Courage” onto the lid or side of the box.
It is nice if you can personalize your donation. Marking your name or initials, type(s) of wood, and date on the box bottom is one way. It is also nice to include a personal note of encouragement, business card. etc. inside the box.
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