April Special Event Review

Over the weekend of April 14 and 15, 2018, our club hosted Michael Gibson as featured demonstrator and hands-on instructor. Michael is known for his teapots. On Saturday he demonstrated turning a teapot and on Sunday, at the hands-on session, we learned about making good form on our woodturnings.

We must comment on the weather, as during the day on both Saturday and Sunday, we had freezing precipitation – a mix of freezing rain and snow. Sunday was the worst, with an accumulation of 4-5 inches of snow during the hands-on session. However, after the session Sunday the roads were mostly clear as we drove home.

A sample of the pictures from the weekend are shown below. For all the pictures – go to the photo gallery page.

2018 – April Gibson Event

Photos from the Michael Gibson event April 14 and 15, 2018.

We should add a picture of snow, as it snowed both Saturday and Sunday.







One response to “April Special Event Review”

  1. Kevin Seigworth Avatar
    Kevin Seigworth

    Thanks Tony. You are doing an awesome job as President of the club.

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