April 2022 Newsletter

Hi Everyone!

It’s April, although the state of Wisconsin doesn’t seem to have caught up with the calendar just yet.

We had our April meeting last evening which featured a remote demonstration by Jason Clark, who turned a “Saturn Bowl” for us. Personally, I really enjoyed Jason’s demonstration. He took time to thoroughly explain each step of the procedure, and then encouraged us to think for ourselves how to identify and then solve the problems associated with cutting the rings in the wings of the bowl. It all seemed so simple when we figured it out. Light bulbs went on all over the place :-).

Similar to last month, there will be an email sent with additional news items to MAWT members only.

Have a great April, and I hope to see you at the May meeting, where Curt Van Weelden will demonstrate chair making and how he overcame some of the turning challenges associated with that topic.










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