The 2018 AAW Symposium is held later this month in Portland, Oregon. Whether or not you plan to attend the Portland Symposium, you may find the Planning Guide to be interesting.
Announcing 2019 AAW Board of Directors Candidates
On behalf of the AAW Nominating Committee Chair, Kathleen Duncan, and the AAW Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce the following six candidates are running for the AAW Board. The six, listed alphabetically, are:
Andy Cole
Joe Dickey
Lou Kinsey
Ken Ledeen
Shaun McMahon
Harvey Rogers
AAW members elect a nine-member board to volunteer their time and energy to represent the membership in moving the AAW forward. Board members may serve two consecutive three-year terms.
You can vote for up to three candidates. Candidate statements will be published in the June issue of American Woodturner. There are two ways to vote:
1) by electronic ballot, available on the AAW website, or
2) by paper ballot; PLEASE NOTE, if you would like to cast your vote by paper ballot, please request a paper ballot be sent to you by calling or emailing the AAW at 877-595-9094 or
New this year, the period for casting your votes has changed. We encourage you to get the word to your chapter members to participate in the voting process and hope you will help make this election turnout significant. Votes must be cast electronically or received in Saint Paul between August 1, 2018, and midnight CST August 31, 2018.
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