Hi fellow MAWT members,
We had an excellent demonstration at the September meeting by two of our fellow members. Tom Hipsak gave us a ton of tips for pen-turning, specifically Turn For Troop pens, and Curt VanWeelden did an explanation and demo on laser engraving. There was plenty of great information…thanks to Tom and Curt.
During my announcements I noted that we are still looking for members to volunteer for several club positions and also do demonstrations. Help out the club and contact myself (president@mawturners.com) or Tony Rozendaal (opa@opaspens.com).
After a few problems trying to contact Empty Bowls-Milwaukee, I was finally able to connect with them. I apologize for the tight deadline but this year has been rather confusing. Like everything else this year, the event is virtual but they are very happy to accept our wood bowls. You can drop them off at the Woodcraft store in the boxes at the entrance to the lower level meeting area. I will be delivering the bowls on Monday, Sept. 28 so you have a few days to swing by Woodcraft and donate your turnings. We literally only have a handful of bowls now, compared to almost 90 last year so let’s make a good effort and fill the boxes.
You can also continue dropping off your Turn For Troops pens in the mailbox (at the same location). We are doing great with the pens, over 941 at the last count!
We are continually trying to put together the virtual Show and Tell. Send your photos and a description of your latest project to Tom Hipsak (thipsak@wi.rr.com). The photos should be high resolution and sent as an attachment in your email to Tom.
And remember we have Trent Bosch as our guest demonstrator next month (Monday, Oct. 5th starting at 5:30pm – via Zoom). Link in to see Trent work his creative talents on his signature hollow vessels. Besides our own great demonstrators, MAWT has brought in three excellent national demonstrators this year. You get know-how from experts in their field at absolutely no cost except your normal dues. Quite a bargain!
Finally, as I noted at the meeting, the club will be investing money to upgrade our existing video and audio equipment, thereby enhance our streaming capabilities. The Board will also consider doing limited in-person meetings along with the Zoom live streaming at the beginning of 2021.
Hope everybody stays healthy and safe – and keep turning,
Ron Zdroik
MAWT President
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