Special Demonstrators

It is the object of MAWT to provide special demonstrators at least once a year. These are typically  a nationally known woodturner who comes in and provides a paid demonstration on a Saturday that highlights their particular niche in woodturning. Then, on Sunday and sometimes extending over to Monday, a paid hands-on session is offered to local woodturners. This provides an opportunity for club members to be exposed to new and exciting techniques without the need to travel.

MAWT has hosted a number of special demonstrator over the years. This is an incomplete list:

After the advent of the COvid-19 virus in early 2020, MAWT has had demonstrations by a number of well known woodturners, all by IRD (Interactive Remote Demo).

We began in May of 2020 with a 4 hour demo by Mike Mahoney on a Saturday morning. Mike gave us an overview of many things, from bowl turning to sharpening to watching for rattlesnakes in and around the shop! We had scheduled this demo with Mike before Covid became a serious reality in March. Our plan had been to meet in the basement of Woodcraft as a group and to display Mikes demonstration on the monitors there. We adjusted this to let any member come into the meeting via zoom.

Trent Bosch demo’d for us on our regular Monday evening in October 2020. Trent turned a hollow vessel and demonstrated a number of methods of adding texture and featured to the completed vessel.

Mike Peace demo’d for us on our regular Monday evening in July 2020. Mike demonstrated the use of the skew.

Harvey Meyer demo’d for us on our regular Monday evening in January 2021. Harvey turned a platter, and demonstrated tool control for the best possible cut on a finished surface.

Rebecca DeGroot demo’d for us on our regular Monday evening in March 2021. Rebecca turned a bowl and showed us how to put hips on the bowl and how to create legs to give the bowl an attitude.

Dennis Belcher demo’d for us in June 2021. Dennis talked about techniques to use when Good Wood Cracks.

Harvey Meyer returned for September 2021 and demo’d a Pedestal Box

Cindy Drozda demo’d her “Fantastic Finials” for our February 2022 meeting.

Jason Clark  demo’d a “Saturn Bowl” for us for April 2022.

John Jordon demo’s his hollow form techniques for us in June 2022.

November 2019 – Rob Nelson

2019 November Rob Nelson Demo

April 2018 – Michael Gibson

November 2016 – Cindy Drozda

2015 – Bihn Pho

July 2015 – Clifford Lounsbury

2014 – Nick Cook

2013 – Alan Lacer

2012 – Lyle Jamiesen