Challenge for January 2023 Meeting

We will probably not have a demonstrator for the January meeting. We will have an extended “Show-N-Tell” period. Bring up to three of your recently turned items to show and talk about.

I especially encourage you to bring something you have attempted to do recently that you have never attempted before. I recently was asked by someone, “Have you ever made a ___________?” I never had. But I can’t say that any more, because I made one yesterday. It isn’t a complete success, but I learned a lot. I’m sure that a number of our club members have already made a ______________. And you may have some good advice for me the next time I try to make a ________________.

If you have been thinking for a while, “I would like to try to make a ____________,” get out in your shop and give it a try. Then bring it to the January meeting and share what you learned and what you did differently the second time you tried.






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