Once again, I wrote this and never put the finishing touches on it until now.
It’s August. My granddaughter’s first day of school was this week.
We had a good meeting this month. We had a nice turn out and a number of people were present on the Zoom feed.
Our scheduled demonstrator for August backed out on us at a very late date. Jay Pilling was kind enough to step up and demonstrate to us how he turns wigs stands. Thanks, Jay!! At the end of this article there’s a picture of the dimensions that Jay gave us on the whiteboard.
We had a guest at the meeting: Valerie MacMillan is the acting director of nourishMKE (formerly known as Frieden’s Food Pantries). She is also the coordinator for the Empty Bowls. She thanked the club for our donations of bowls to their organization, and gave a brief report on their fund raising efforts.
Some notes and announcements:
- Kevin Seigworth spoke for a few moments about programming for next year. You will be hearing more about this, but contact Kevin or myself if you would like to participate in a panel presentation on one of the following topics:
- sanding
- selling your work
- coring
- Empty Bowls for 2024 must be turned in at the October meeting.
- We had a Workshop and Mentoring Session on August 17th.

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